Ahad, 22 Februari 2015

Daddy Dimples

Salammm Kecomelan Buat Daren TheRawrMan..Walauo ehh..

This entry was a bit special because u r totally sporting enough..Mula kenal nampak macam straight forward..eeewahhh..lama2 cair jugak..Dia sangat workaholic person..Pasif bermusim..ikut mood maybe..Follow the flow laa..Kalau nampak muka ketat tuh kena cucuk cikit laa..haha !! nampak tak kami punye team..Saling menceriakan..Dia selaku Daddy laa..Nak kate garang, aku xnampak langsung garang..tapi setiap perkataan yang keluar dari mulut dia tuh memang buat orang lain sentap sebulan..Aku pun dah terkena..After that, im really wanna tell him the truth..Finally , aku dapat kekuatan berhadapan dengan si cute milik Psi nieyh..
Nothing too much wanna say bout u..
Im enough special for u..imma happier person..

I glad to have u and know u more than others..


Sebelom terlupa, I would like to many thankz to u bcz be my supporter all my way..Banyak ajar I ape yang I xtau..Sudi share ur big experience in ur past..

Janna and me really close to u..Thankz for being good advisor for us..

Let say "ermmm"

Im still remember our first conversation..Im bless u have ur own happy lifetime.
Lovely Supervisor until the end of my day :))
Mr.Daren Chua

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